
Leylaj Salazar


Artificial Intelligence Is Crucial In Customer Service


Customer Service Automation Platform



Ask any business leader and they'll tell you why an exceptional customer experience (CX) is the highest priority for every business in any field. Although it is important to draw new customers in but maintaining customer loyalty is the highest priority in every business sector, whether that be in online retail software, technology and software or tourism and travel.


Companies are also using technology tools to offer seamless experiences and services for customers. The increasing usage of artificial intelligence or AI-powered chatbots like Dialogflow and Chatflow has transformed customer service by offering 24/7 support for customers and increasing customer engagement.

Automated customer service and how can it increase the customer's satisfaction?

By definition the term "automated customer service" refers to an enterprise-wide process that aims to reduce (or reduce) the human involvement in customer service. How can a company get automation for their customer service? Apart from the use of artificial intelligence in customer service, automated customer service can be achieved in a variety of ways including:

Customer self-service: Why is this important? Customers love to solve problems or address questions on their own. Customer service statistics show that 73% of customers would rather solve issues with their product or service issues on their own. 64% however, try to resolve their problems before calling customer service. The FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page on the websites of businesses is an illustration of self-service for customers.

Chatbots: One of the main advantages of Customer Service Experience both large and small enterprises are enhancing their customer service by deploying intelligent chatbots. Based on the report for 2019, Chatbot Report, AI will be used in banking customer support to automate 90% of interactions with chatbots by 2021.


Are they satisfied with their customers? Do they enjoy interacting with automated chatbots? 60% of online customers don't want to wait for longer than 60 seconds to receive answers to their questions. Chatbots are drastically reducing customer wait times and quicker resolution of their inquiries, which is boosting customer satisfaction. Chatbots using Natural Language Processing (NLP) are more effective in solving customer problems, which improves the satisfaction of customers.


Customer Experience: Beyond the application of customer service AI chatbot, AI-driven automation is transforming the customer experience through customizing offerings that are customized to meet their particular needs. Companies like Amazon and Netflix are using AI to study customer data and suggest the best products or services in their favor. For example, AI technology in the E-commerce industry is used to improve product recommendations according to the individual needs of customers, buying behavior, and profiles of customers.


AI is a high-end customer service, personalized support, speed & efficiency , and savings. Customer service is the most sought-after business sector. Businesses are excited about the way chatbots can efficiently answer first-level questions and reduce operating costs. AI-powered applications for customer service will continue to innovate. Currently, major industries that depend on artificial intelligence in customer support include food, travel, finance, retail, airline and clothing.

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